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Boulder, Broomfield and NW Adams Counties (Change Location)

Aug 29, 2024

Donna Loves to Hear Her Clients Share Their Experiences

Written By: Brian Lahm
Caregiver Donna Segar

In a little less than a year’s time, Home Instead® Care Professional of the Month Donna Segars already has accumulated a number of great memories while caring for her clients on behalf of owner Michael Lammers’ award-winning Home Instead® franchise of Boulder, Broomfield and northwest Adams Counties.

Donna, who joined Home Instead’s office in Louisville, Colorado, on Sept. 6, 2023, prefaced one observation by mentioning that some of her best childhood memories took place while visiting her grandparents’ Georgia farm. “As a result,” Donna said, “I enjoy my Home Instead client’s stories about growing up on a farm. He remembers having to milk the cows by hand first thing in the morning and again in the evening. He remembers the animals and the vegetable gardens.”

Donna added: “These days, my client and I spend a lot of time in his yard. I like to watch him water and care for the plants and flowers because he seems to really enjoy it. I also enjoy working with him to keep the back deck swept and clear all year. The leaves in the cooler months are extra fun and take extra effort.”

Donna noted that she thoroughly enjoys talking with all of her clients. “A married couple love to share stories about their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Also, they taught me how to play Dominoes, so the three of us will often enjoy a couple of games together,” Donna said.

“In conversations with another client, we learned we both play the piano. He shared some interesting stories about his college days and songwriting. These days, he struggles with moving his fingers on the piano keys, but I did get him to play a couple of songs for me.”

One client shared a story about his courtship with his wife. “It began in the 1950s while they were both serving as chaperones at college student parties. They had to confiscate alcoholic beverages as part of their duties. I have chaperoned a few college student parties in my past, so this is an experience to which I can relate,” Donna recalled.

Details of a friend’s work-related experiences piqued Donna’s interest and ultimately led her to Home Instead. “For the past few years,” Donna recalled “a friend would occasionally share inspirational stories about how the clients with whom he works had touched his life. Being semi-retired, I happened to be seeking employment at the time my friend shared that he works for Home Instead. He suggested that I may be interested in working as a Care Professional as well. I called Home Instead and scheduled an interview with Brenda Munro.”

Computer work had dominated Donna’s work career before she became “semi-retired.” She explained: “After completing a degree in computer science, I enjoyed a career in the technical arena. I think, as a Home Instead Care Pro, I am now doing what is referred to as a second career – a paid job later in life that combines income, personal meaning and social impact. And, I might add, that sometimes one can utilize skills that were developed during the first career. As a Care Pro, I continue to practice my technical support skills from my computer-related career, where I worked closely with people in a kind, measured way to find solutions.”

Brenda was Home Instead’s recruitment and engagement coordinator when Donna joined the franchise. Now Home Instead’s human resources director, Brenda said: “Donna has really grown since she joined us. Donna is reliable and flexible, and she is great with our clients. Once, when I was working in an on-call role, she answered my call at 6:30 a.m. when we needed her to switch to a different client because of a last-minute call-off. I asked Donna to go to a morning shift with a client whom she’d never met instead of working her afternoon shift with her regular client.”

Brenda added: “Donna was referred to us by one of our other Care Pros and is retired from a computer-science career. She was looking for something part time to give back to society. Donna was unsure of her abilities at first, but she has blossomed into a wonderful Care Pro. Donna displays Home Instead’s guiding principles of ‘Build Trust, Take the Lead and Share Your Heart.’ ”

Donna said: “I greatly appreciate the support and responsiveness of the entire Home Instead staff. When I call the office with questions, someone has always been able to provide me with the help and guidance I need. Thanks to care coordinators Libbie and Kelli for their knowledge, experience and detailed care plans. Libbie and Kelli help me enter a client’s home as an informed Care Pro, which promotes smoother introductions. And, thanks to Gloria for the amazing job she does with scheduling, communication and coordinating priorities.”

Donna explained: “Through my Home Instead training and my year of experience as a Home Instead Care Pro, I am learning about seniors’ struggles that may occur when physical and mental abilities change. I like being able to assist clients in ways that meet the clients where they are and that fit into their situations. I also appreciate times when clients don’t really need me to help with a specific task, but they just feel like talking, doing a puzzle or going for a walk.”

All Home Instead Care Professionals are screened, trained and insured. For inquiries about employment, please call (720) 890-0184 or apply online. For further information about Home Instead services, visit our website.

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