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Lancaster County, PA (Change Location)

Jul 08, 2024

Welcoming a New Class of Caregivers at Home Instead of Lancaster, PA

Written By: Home Instead of Lancaster, PA
Welcoming a New Class of Caregivers at Home Instead of Lancaster, PA

We are excited to welcome a new group that has completed their training to become caregivers for the Home Instead team! This group has shown tremendous passion for providing the best home care to seniors and adults in our community.

These new caregivers engaged in hands-on training, learning essential skills such as personal care, mobility assistance, and more. They also participated in interactive workshops on dementia care and emergency response to prepare them to handle various situations.

We are incredibly proud of these new caregivers and can't wait to see how they grow throughout their careers. Congratulations to each of them for completing their training – we are confident they will be some of the best caregivers in Lancaster, PA.

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