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Gaston & Lincoln Counties (Change Location)

May 11, 2024

Hot Dog Friday at Home Instead of Gastonia, NC!

Written By: Home Instead of Gastonia, NC
Hot Dog Friday at Home Instead of Gastonia, NC!

At Home Instead, we believe that we don't need a holiday or a special occasion to do something nice for our team and clients. We recently hosted a Hot Dog Day, grilling hot dogs and serving them with chips to caregivers and their clients who stopped by the office. This event was a special way for us to show our love and appreciation for our dedicated care professionals and the wonderful clients they serve.

Hot Dog Friday at Home Instead of Gastonia, NC! collage

Thanks to everyone who helped cook and pack the hot dogs and chips. And a big thank you to the caregivers and clients who took the time to stop by and enjoy the day with us. Your smiles made it all worthwhile.

We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future, continuing to celebrate our clients and the caregivers who provide the best home care in Gastonia, NC!

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