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Midland-Odessa, TX (Change Location)

Aug 22, 2024

Care Professional of the Month - August 2024

Written By: Brian Lahm for Home Instead of Midland-Odessa
Cerafina August Care Pro of the Month

Home Instead Honors Cerafina for the Second Time

Cerafina Ornelas had just been selected for her second Home Instead® Care Professional of the Month honor when she was asked about her life’s journey during the three years between awards from August 2021 to August 2024. Of course, she thought about all of her clients at Home Instead of Midland-Odessa, but she also focused on a miracle involving a family member.

“My family and I went through a very rough time in December 2022 when my only sister was diagnosed with colon cancer. It was devastating, but we kept our faith and she beat it. My sister is now cancer-free, praise God!” she explained.

“I tell you those obstacles give you a different perspective on life. Oftentimes we take things and people for granted,” said Cerafina, who inherited her grandmother’s first name, which means “fiery,” “burning” or “angel.” It is a variant of the Hebrew name “Seraphina.” In the Old Testament, seraphim are celestial angels who are known for their power and passion.

Imelda Hawkins, Home Instead’s human resources director, assistant administrator, and recruitment and engagement coordinator, said the name fits Cerafina to a “T” in many respects. “During the past year, Cerafina not only doubled her hours but also expanded her service area. These things happened while Cerafina maintained her exceptional reliability, client satisfaction and overall greatness. As a result, she continues to set the standard in our company.”

Imelda added: “Cerafina’s caring and gentle nature, coupled with her willingness to share her heart, have earned her this well-deserved recognition for the second time during her Home Instead career and merits a hearty congratulations. We are incredibly proud to have Cerafina on our team and grateful for the care she provides every day. Keep up the fantastic work, Cerafina! We are truly fortunate to have her on board as a Care Pro since Jan. 21, 2021.”

Cerafina replied: “I’m beyond honored to have been chosen Care Professional of the Month again. I assist several clients weekly as I have decided to help wherever I am needed. I do have some who are my regular clients. As I head toward my fifth year with Home Instead, I’m still enjoying my clients. I love hearing their stories. I enjoy cooking homemade meals for most of them as well as just simply enjoy making their lives a little easier by carrying out my job duties. I love seeing their happy faces when I walk into their homes. It’s so rewarding!”

Noting the unfortunate side of any senior-care job, Cerafina said: “I have lost a few of my clients, which was very hard as we do get very attached to them. But I’m grateful to God for allowing them to be a part of my life.”

Cerafina will never forget a former U.S. Marine, who served in the Vietnam War, because he considered Cerafina to be like a family member when she assisted him three years ago. At that time, the client said, “The world would be a better place if there were more people like Cerafina. She’s honest and dependable, and she is a family gal who absolutely loves her family.”

The word “family” resonated with the client, Imelda and franchise co-owners Lorena and William Shensky when there was a discussion involving Cerafina. Long before arriving at Home Instead, Cerafina was a family caregiver extraordinaire.

“I had the privilege of babysitting my two oldest grandchildren from the time they were just months old. I have a total of five grandchildren, but I couldn’t babysit the three youngest ones like I did with the two oldest because I had joined Home Instead. All five grandchildren are my life, and I love them endlessly, along with my three sons. I also was the family caregiver for my mother-in-law and father-in-law for five years. I enjoyed cooking for them, especially their favorite dishes. I also loved hearing their stories from their past. It’s a great feeling to care for the elderly,” Cerafina said.

Cerafina has added to her growing family since joining Home Instead. “If you are cut out for working in senior care, I must warn you, you will get attached, and your clients will become your family,” Cerafina pointed out. She put conditions on being “cut out” for a Care Pro job, saying, “It takes a lot of heart, patience and love to be a Care Pro, and I can honestly say this profession is not for everyone. You have to be qualified emotionally and physically, and you have to be dependable and committed.”

Cerafina explained: “I’m just blessed to get to work with such a great company and our lovely clients. I want to thank my clients and the Home Instead staff for choosing me for Care Pro of the Month, which is such an honor!”

All Home Instead Care Professionals are screened, trained and insured. For inquiries about employment, please call (432) 689-4663 or apply online. For further information about Home Instead, visit our website.

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